Saturday, July 28, 2018

kbach dok chan angkor ក្បាច់ដកចាន់អង្គរ

Figure 159 shows another detailed division
of the Chan flower shape. procetling from petal to
petal cloclavise from the top lefi petal of the figure
to the bottom right petal of the figure. Again, we
use this method ofillustration to explain the process
of division, noting that the ornament as a whole
would never be used in this uneven Form. In figure
140, complex division occurs with the round center
divided into various types of shapes (buffalo
teeth, /rrlrzgjang, frontal lotus petals). Again we use
this method to illustrate possibilities; an actual
ornament would only malte use of one of these
shapes to divide its center.

The Chan flower shape can be divided into great
internal detail. In figure 135, the left petals of the figure
have inserted hearts and show initial division (jaik), while
petals on the right of the figure show the process of c/1121'/2
by which each leaf is separated to become what can also be
called a /e/m'l2. Smaller background Frontal lotus petal
shapes are inserted between the Fourmain petals. Figure
136 shows more complex division of the same shape.
while figure 137 shows one possible final Form with its
round center divided into Four peeled back petals. Figure
138 shows another Chan flower shape with slightly
smaller petals outlined by double borders. The round
center OF the ornament has Your tiny’ Frontal lotus petal
shapes with tips turned back; a circle of‘ fish eggs shapes
ring this center on the right ofthe figure, while a circle of
chauk leaves ring; this center on the lelit of the figure.


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