Sunday, December 16, 2018

D ecoralivc linlcl Late 11th century


D ecoralivc linlc
Late 11th century
Sandstone — 1.38 x 0.69 m.
From Prasat Pen Chun -
Kompong Svay
(Kompong Thom).
Inventory no. C 30.19.
This lintel is scanned by two crests to pieces, and broke his
large arches of foliage ending limbs". At this point "Kéllya-
in two curves upon the arch gushing blood from all his
of which rests an atlantes lion jaws, remembered the teacher
with a floret in its mouth. In of the worlds [...| greeted him
the centre is depicted the with joy" and "went to the
story of Krishna fighting island of Ramanaka [...I At the
against the néga Kaliya, who same moment, the waters of
was disrupting the balance of the lake ceased to be
a lake in Kalindi. The waters, poisonous and took on the
poisoned by the snake's sweetness of ambrosia.
venom, were killing the birds. Krishna is assisted here by two
Krishna plunged into the garuda without arms,
waters and "the snake bit him according to the fashion of the
with rage at the sources of life eleventh century.
and covered him with his The careful workmanship of
Easel-{3:128:21 begap t0 the baphuon style and the
magenta: 2.1; h
.. . . intel contrasts somewhat with
dhrough hlS marvellous the naive frieze of birds
ance reduced the snake 5 located above the main scene.


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